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  • Canada Ranked #3 Best Country for Expats

    Results of a global survey released in September 2016 reveal that Canada is considered to be the #3 best country to live and work for expats.


    The 2016 HSBC Expat Explorer Survey asked over 27,000 people in 190 countries and territories to rate countries based upon 27 indicators that were grouped into three major factors.


    Included in the “Experience” factor were the following indicators: property, healthcare, finance, safety, integration, making friends, health, culture, and quality of life.


    Canada was rated #3 overall for “Experience” and received particularly high marks for integration, health, finance, and quality of life.


    The “Family” factor consisted of these indicators: tolerance, social life, closeness with partner, school quality, childcare quality, overall cost of children, quality of life, health, and integration.


    Overall, the survey ranked Canada #5 for “Family” and on the “tolerance” indicator named Canada #1 in the world.


    The third major factor in the expat survey was “Economics” which was measured by the following indicators: job security, work/life balance, career progression, politics, entrepreneurship, economic confidence, savings, wage growth, and disposable income.


    Canada was assessed to be the 10th top country in the world for expats in terms of “Economics” and especially in regards to entrepreneurship and politics.


    Furthermore, the 2016 HSBC Expat Explorer Survey Country Guide says that people who live in Canada enjoy a “life as sweet as maple syrup.”


    (The national symbol of Canada is the maple leaf and the country is famous for its sweet maple syrup, among other attributes.)


    The Country Guide also declares, “With a strong economy, magnificent scenery and an excellent social security system, Canada is a dream expat destination.”


    In regards to immigration to Canada, the Country Guide states, “the second largest country in the world offers expats a warm welcome and great job opportunities, as long as you meet its strict entry requirements.”


    Additionally, the Country Guide calls Canada “a very safe country” and says that many expats want to live in Canada because of “the great quality of life it offers.”


    The Canadian cities of Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, which boast the biggest expat populations in Canada, are described as having “multicultural communities that are open-minded and used to rubbing shoulders with people from across the world.”


    Some of the best things enjoyed by expats who live in Canada include its low cost of living, great healthcare system, favorable home-ownership policy, excellent education system, and outdoor lifestyle.


    As you have read, people who immigrate to Canada have the opportunity to experience a very high standard of living.


    This multicultural country is very tolerant of newcomers and wants people from other countries to live and work in Canada to contribute to the Canadian economy and culture.


    If you would also like to work in Canada and enjoy the warm, welcoming, high-quality Canadian lifestyle, the authorized immigration consultants who collaborate with Canadian Visa Expert can evaluate your eligibility to immigrate to Canada.


    In the event that you are assessed as likely to meet the eligibility requirements for Canadian immigration, the experts who work with Canadian Visa Expert can also provide you with professional guidance throughout the process to apply for a visa to Canada.


    To register for your personalized Canadian immigration assessment, click here!   

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